Sunday, December 13, 2009

While this won't get Student Quote of the Year, it does deserve the title of Fun Conversation I Had with a Student the Other Day:

Me: Bach was the most famous Barouqe period composer.
Her: "Bach" sounds like "Spock." WHICH REMINDS ME, have you seen "Star Trek?"
Me: What - you mean the latest movie?
Her: Yes!
Me: I sure have! I've been a Trekkie for years.
Her: That was SUCH a good movie! I love Spock - he's so funny!
Me: (thinking that the actual funny part is that if you've only seen this movie in all of the Star Trek franchise, that might be who you pick for comic relief, and not somebody more in the forefront of funny, like Bones or Scotty.) Yeah, he is funny!
Her: I want to get a vulcan shirt. I've seen them online.
Me: Maybe you should get vulcan ears.
Her: Yeah! Maybe, and a shirt that says "I'm half Vulcan."
***Later, after the lesson is over and we walk outside the room***
Her: (to her Mom) Guess what, Mom! Casey and I are BOTH Trekkies!

My students are the best.

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