Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Okay, I'll say this right here: I totally forgot how many notes Cosi fan Tutte has. I'm usually so good about telling myself to relax, pace myself, and play with limited energy during the operas. I've gotten good enough at it that I don't get tired anymore after playing them.

Except this one! Sixty pages and three and a half hours of fairly continuous playing. Turns out 45-second recitatives don't give us nearly enough rest to stretch out our muscles. I'm mentally AND physically exhausted after a playthrough. It's not often that I reach the last page of anything and think, "I really don't want to play anymore!"

It really is a great show, though. Opera is the only type of theater where there can be six different people talking about six different things simultaneously. My appreciation for the art only grows with every show.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I don't understand anything you wrote in paragraph two, but I'm exhausted for you.

However, to be completely cliche, if you feel that overwhelming satisfaction when it's all said and done, then you've known you accomplished something awesome and worthwhile.