Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I have trying to research ways to get myself up earlier in the morning. I have no problem waking up when I have something to get to: a class, a doctor's appointment, a flight, etc. But when I have nothing to do until work (which starts at noon or 1:00pm for me these days), it is difficult to get out of bed to do things that I don't have to meet other people for: practicing, exercising, cleaning the apartment, etc.

The easiest way I have seen of getting up early is to have kids. This will not happen for a while, so I'm looking for other motivations. Any ideas? I could try going into it cold turkey, but while I'm waking up and still in bed, I will no doubt convince myself to stay there. (Heck, I've been up for an hour and a half now and I could easily convince myself to go back to sleep for another hour.) Don't get me wrong, I enjoy sleeping in - a lot. But I'm starting to feel like a lazy good-for-nothing who is enjoying her slumber too much, as I'm not getting much done.

I officially turn the floor over to you, dear readers. Any tips or hints would be appreciated!


Lisa said...

Maybe go to bed earlier?

Or you could remove any distractions in your room. If they cannot be removed or they have a necessity for overnight purposes, have Tom -assuming he leaves early in the morning- remove the object of distraction in the room as he gets ready to leave and have him put it in your living room or something.

For example, if you have a TV, make him take the remote with him as he leaves the room. If you keep your cell phone by you, have him repeat the same thing.

Then, you'd have no choice but to get up if you want to watch TV in your room (you might just nix it all together since you're already in the living room) or play with your phone.

Those are two unscientific suggestions that are probably not too helpful because I suffer the exact opposite problem from you.

A New Leaf said...

Those aren't bad ideas... although I have been going to bed at a decent hour. I used to have this problem simply because I would be staying up until 2:00am. But now I go to bed at the same time as Tom, who is consistently getting up around 6:30am and not having too much trouble.

I read a site that suggested that sunlight is the best natural way of waking up... this could be a problem. We don't always get sun in the mornings, and sometimes it stays gray all day. Tonight, however, I'm planning on closing the blinds, setting an alarm, and then opening the blinds first thing in the morning as an experiment. If you come upon any other good notions, let me know. And I'll be on the lookout for things that can get you more sleep. :)

Lisa said...

Yeah, waking up with the sun in the Pacific NW is probably not the most reliable method. It's a good thing you don't sleep with a light on because that would render anything with light pretty useless.

I'll point you to howtowakeupearly.com (convenient name, right?). I don't know how effective all of it is, but tip #22 looks pretty promising -if a bit diabolical. I know one of the reasons I can never go back to sleep is because my mind just becomes wired once I wake up; so maybe what they're suggesting would be a proper stimulant to make you more alert.