Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Running, Day 4

It's cold now, in Oregon. The winter has come, which here means approximately 40 degrees in the evening and 60 degrees come about noon. It will be this way until June.

Damn, I love it here.

I decided, for the first time, to make use of the fitness room here at the apartment complex. (Read: a treadmill, elliptical, and weight machine crammed into a small room that hardly anyone uses.) And there are some serious advantages of working out there. I was able to pace myself appropriately, making sure I was running the same speed during all my sprints. There was indeed no one else in there this morning, so I had the room all to myself. And while I worried that the huge mirror in there might betray the wonderful ignorance that nature provides of what I look like when I run, I actually didn't look too bad - my form is improving the more I do it.

I did end up sweating a lot more in a temperature-controlled environment, however. Turns out when you go running in 45 degrees, the outdoors kind of take care of the sweat part. I also didn't get to explore my neighborhood as much, which I've really been enjoying lately. Maybe alternating the two scenes would keep my training up while giving me changes of sceneries.

My stomach makes no sense to me. In addition to gluten, it seems the list of stuff that makes me sick has expanded to milk, avacados, and now, possibly zucchini. I'm keeping a food diary to track what may be the culprit... perhaps the small amount of dairy is enough to make my intestines inflamed again, but it's so hard to give up my tiny chunk of swiss gruyere every day...

I've just realized I'm stepping into a potentially gross stream of thought. Let's just leave it at me being bummed about the avacados.

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