Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The good news: I believe I'm finally making progress in being able to swallow small pills... something I've struggled with my entire life!

The bad news: I've only really been able to succeed at this with Fresca.

Could all local doctor's offices and emergency rooms stock up on this for me? I'd really appreciate it.


Rocketgirl said...

Congrats on the move! And don't get pregnant, it makes your gag reflex go whompas and flip out when you take pills. Also, I'm NOT pregnant. Geez, why do I feel like I need to defend myself all the time?!

Theresa Carlson said...

Fresca!!!! hehe Remember that night we stayef up all night on the computer playing games and drinking fresca? I'm still surprised you didn't beat me when I got the giggles when we went to bed! hahaha