Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My car is plastered in lovely, yellow leaves. It's gray, but not dark outside. I am swapping outerwear between my rocking Mammoth rain jacket and a wide assortment of knitwear dusters depending on the moisture content outside. It is officially fall in Oregon, and I am digging it.

Last year I got a little blue during the winter, and I am determined to not let that happen this year. I have lots of good things going for me this year:

I have a much better work schedule this year.
I am able to take more gigs this year.
I have jobs giving me great experience for down the road.
I will be able to go see my family for Thanksgiving.
Spring break lined up for both me and hubby, meaning we have a potentially amazing vacation on our hands.
After giving up lactose and caffiene, I am feeling generally healthier.
More gigs and teaching means more violin playing, which means I am much closer to the sheer amount of playing I was doing in school.
The ballet came to their senses and we now get Nutcracker services this December.
Hubby and I have decided on a super cool Christmas present for ourselves.

Now, if I can find some more variety in my diet, and maybe get myself to the gym, I should have an awesome winter. I hope.

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