Saturday, January 30, 2010

WOW, I am so glad I'm finally on the upswing.

I had one of those weeks where I felt like I was coming down with something flu-like, but had no symptoms except a weakness of muscles, achy shoulders, and a limited appetite. Sleeping in until 1:00pm yesterday and going to bed at 10:00 seemed to help. A LOT. Today was not nearly the blur that yesterday was. I may even have the strength to practice tomorrow.

I KNOW I was sick because I spent all my free time at home asleep - not dinking around on Facebook for hours, not even just laying down on the couch in front of the TV. I didn't leave the bed until I absolutely HAD TO. That's super sick.

The silver lining, if you *really* want to see it, is that since I've gone gluten-free, I don't get sick that often. I've heard that a big chunk of your immune system lies in your gut, and anecdotal evidence now agrees with it. I got something similar to what I'm recovering from about a year ago, right before my Seattle Symphony audition. (My timing really sucked.) I was pretty cloudy during the summer, but from what I can tell, it was all allergies. I also had a sore throat a few months ago, but it turned out that it was a small amount of mold that had collected on my water bottle. And that's about it... even when I spend six days out of the week among kids, many who soak up germs like sponges.

I plan on taking it easy tomorrow, and sleeping in a lot once again. Hopefully by Monday I'll be in tip top shape. Which is good, because I am going to give this NaBloPoMo one more go!! (Well, almost.)

Yes, February is the shortest month of the year, but I want to make up for the DREADFUL attempt I had in December. Besides, with my birthday in February, I often find myself a little more introspective.

I will have to double up a few days, as there will be four days where Hubby and I are taking our honeymoon in Canada. It promises to be memorable, though, and I imagine I will have plenty of fodder.

I've also been digging through my old, old blog posts on Diaryland and downloading them to my hard drive, just in case I can't access the web version someday. Every once in a while I find something that inspires me to write again - something funny, musing, or sad, but most certainly written in a pathetic, selfish tone that I hope one day to find endearing. Once I'm far enough away from the date to pretend someone else wrote it, I think I may.

There's some great and wonderful thoughts in my head. If I give myself a little while, I'm sure I'll find them.


Lisa said...

Good luck with NaBlo part two!

Do you need a cheering squad? A fellow NaBlo person? Anything to make the job easier, I can help a sister out.

Tip: As self-centered as it sounds, writing about yourself and aspects of yourself really helps. I did that years ago with my 'June Project' and you have it easier with being born in February.

And I totally feel you on the old blog thing. I find myself inherently more likeable when I'm being silly. I think that's why most of my stuff tends to be more fluffy than thoughtful.

Get better, Case. We need you at your best to greet your month.

A New Leaf said...

Ooh, a fellow NaBlo-er would really help! I do plan on giving myself the 18th-21st off for my trip, but I plan on making up for it with pictures and good Olympic stories.

I like the moral support, no matter what form it comes in. :)