Thursday, September 10, 2009


I have never been so revolted by people on BOTH sides of the aisle in Congress. I listened to the end of Obama's health care speech last night, on my way home from work. I had tuned in late enough that NPR made sure to get Republican and Democrat responses to the speech.

To sum up:

Republicans: A catastrophe!
Democrats: A beautiful speech!

Here's what I would love: civilized, rational people summing up the pros and cons of Obama's plan, vocalizing the needs and wants of their constituents in a calm way. Hopefully taking as much time to listen as they would to speak, if not more. I'm usually liberal leaning, but really EVERYONE is disgusting me. Joe Wilson's rude outburst is just as offensive as Howard Dean's smooth-talking "What a home run!" in referencing the speech.

Can someone point out to me some members of Congress who actually LISTENED to the speech, and didn't form a knee-jerk reaction based on whether or not they believe they should be perceived as rejecting or accepting anything that comes out of the President's mouth?

I'm open to recommendations.