Thursday, December 18, 2008


I can't post what Tom's Christmas present is, lest he read it here and the surprise be ruined.

But I am INCREDIBLY proud of myself. I am one hot fiancée.


Lisa said...

How very vague.

I'm almost curious, but I'm afraid your gift could "offend my delicate senses".

I'll take your word on you being a very good fiancee.

A New Leaf said...

*gasp* Filthy, FILTHY mind, Lisa! How could you think I would ever stoop to something so low in the gutter??

I'll post it after I give it to him. I just had to brag, because I'm going to pull something off that's really awesome.

Lisa said...

Hey, I'm not the shameless hus-SAY; I'm the Moral Majority. Ergo, I have to think that all your ideas will lead down the path of wickedness or something.

Phat Fiddle said...

I'm about as quick thinking as dripping molasses. It must of taken me an hour to realize who you were from your blog page but I do believe I address the infamous Casey B. How in the carbon-saturated world are you these days? Gracias por escribirme la nota :D

Unknown said...

So what's up? What was the present?

Unknown said...

rip off....